

Commodity Pricing

Current pricing at Bloomberg

- The Intercontinental Exchange

CME crude oil futures quotes

- Regional/oil quality pricing sites

∙ Enterprise Products Partners, L.P.

∙ Phillips 66

∙ Plains All American Pipeline, L.P.

∙ Flint Hills Resources

- CME Henry Hub natural gas futures contracts

Regional natural gas pricing from NGI Data

SEC Regulations

- SEC Definitions

- SEC Regulations

- Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations

- Documentation referenced in the SEC regulations

SPE 2007 Petroleum Resources Management System - PRMS

∙ SPE Standards Pertaining to the Estimating and Auditing of Oil and Gas Reserves Information

Tutorials on E&P Industry Operations

- Rigzone: How It Works

- Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary

- Unconventional Oil and Gas Training

Software Packages

- PythonEnthought Canopy is a great choice to get started in the language.  It has a small fee, but worth the cost of avoiding environment setup and ease of 3rd party package download when just becoming familiar with programming. 

- R ProgrammingR is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics that is quickly gaining favor in technical circles.

RStudio is a good IDE in which to work.

- Tableau * Excellent for visualizing data, building dashboards, and drilling down on information your company collects.